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Unlock Your Path to Ultimate Healing

In the rush of modern life, stress and anxiety have become all too common.

With over 80% of medical visits linked to stress, the need for truly effective solutions is more critical than ever.

Traditional stress management methods often miss the mark, leaving people seeking deeper, more impactful ways to regain control of their mental and emotional well-being.

Welcome To Breathwork

A time-honored practice redefined for the modern world. This powerful method provides an immediate sense of calm, helping you restore balance, clarity, and deep relaxation. Unlike traditional techniques, Breathwork offers rapid and profound transformation, creating a true sanctuary in the chaos of everyday life.

What is 9D Breathwork?

9D Breathwork is an unparalleled experience that goes beyond the usual. Each journey in our collection offers a unique path toward lasting transformation. Combining the breath with 9D's immersive, multi-dimensional soundscapes, our sessions deliver powerful results through a fusion of advanced audio technologies and holistic practices.

The 9D Multi-Dimensional Sound Experience

Binaural Brain Entrainment

Synchronize your brainwaves for enhanced focus and relaxation.

Solfeggio Frequencies

Harmonize your body and mind with ancient healing tones.

Isochronic Brainwave Tones

Experience the benefits of precise brainwave modulation.

Bioacoustics Sound Effects

Tap into the healing potential of natural vibrations.

Somatic Breathwork

Engage your body’s natural healing mechanisms through conscious breath.

Subliminal Hypnotic Therapy

Reprogram your subconscious with positive, transformative

Guided Vocal Coaching

Experience personalized, expert guidance from certified 9D coach Duke Ferguson, who will lead you through each Breathwork session via Zoom. These immersive sessions are designed to help you unlock the full potential of your breath, ensuring a transformative experience. To get the most out of each journey, we recommend using a high-quality pair of over-ear headphones. The soundscapes and coaching are optimized for deep, multi-dimensional engagement, and having the right equipment will significantly enhance your overall experience.

What People Are Saying About Fitness Funnel

"Inner Circle For Life!!"

"The Fitness Circle is amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to build their dream body and get in their best shape ever!"

- Ms Fitness

"So Grateful For This!"

"The Fitness Circle is amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to build their dream body and get in their best shape ever!"

- Mr Fitness

"Finally Got Clarity!"

"The Fitness Circle is amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to build their dream body and get in their best shape ever!"

- Ms Fitness

Upcoming Sessions

Letting Go

Monday, September 23rd | 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Atlantic

Embark on a transformative 9D Breathwork journey, designed to support you in the art of letting go. This immersive experience liberates you from the grip of the past, shedding physical and psychological burdens that cause discomfort. Through forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, and resilience, key themes intertwine, propelling personal transformation. You release the weight of past traumas, experiencing emotional stability, tranquility, and restoring balance. This transformative journey is a stepping stone to ongoing growth and healing, empowering the evolution of your true self. Embrace profound liberation, enriching your life with purpose and possibility.

Subconscious Mind Re-Programming

Monday, September 30th | 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Atlantic

This 9D breath work journey, Subconscious Mind Reprogramming, is a hybrid journey, so it's mostly down regulation with a bit of activation. The full session is 52 minutes and 40 seconds long, with three breath holds. This journey is designed to support individuals in reprogramming their subconscious mind. Participants are guided through gentle down regulation breathing, with a short period of activation to prepare their mind and body for Deep Transformation. The session incorporates various techniques, including subliminal messages, binaural beats for activating alpha and theta brainwave states, and visualizations to help release old limiting patterns and create new empowering ones. Participants will experience profound relaxation and heightened awareness as they explore and transform the garden of their subconscious mind, planting seeds for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Join me in the journey and share with me after. How do you feel?

5 Primary Trauma Imprints

Monday, October 7th | 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Atlantic

It's a 9D journey, five primary trauma imprints. This journey is for anyone seeking to break free from intergenerational trauma, the root cause of all human suffering. Cut the cords of these struggles and cease the cycle of passing down traumas to future generations. It's an immersive exploration dedicated to resolving the imprints of our childhood experiences.

Dive deep into the healing process as we address the profound wounds of premature separation from love. rejection, abandonment, shaming, and all the lack of presence. These imprints carried from our formative years silently shape our adult lives, revealing themselves through various challenges, including victim mentality, trust and intimacy issues, codependency, relationship struggles, emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression, and so much more.

By releasing these deeply rooted imprints, You'll liberate yourself from burdens of past hurt and suffering. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey that untethers you from energetic bondage, paving the way for a mental health reboot for the body and mind. Expect to emerge from this experience with profound sense of liberation, newfound clarity, and an empowered state of being.

As the imprints dissolve, you embark on a transformative path towards healing. allowing you into embrace life with renewed vitality and inner strength. Join me in the journey and share with me after, how do you feel?



© 2024 9D Breathwork with Duke Ferguson. All rights reserved.